Objectives of the interview :
- To discuss each candidate individually.
- Gain a better understanding of their expectations.
- Assess motivation and skills.
Interview and Admission :
Our school’s admissions process is designed to detect the skills that will make our learners unique personalities whose talents and skills will be put to good use by companies in the sector.
1 – Get an interview :
Take part in an admissions session : If you are already in France, you can take part in an admissions session directly at EAC Paris, Lyon or Nantes.
You must request an interview via the website or contact the relevant campus directly. All international students start with a first interview with an international admission manager.
This first interview is an opportunity to review your application before sending it to the EAC, to ensure that it meets the school’s selection criteria.
You will be contacted within 24 to 48 hours to confirm your appointment on campus.