EAC Campus

The campuses

A major city
for a major school

Beijing’s campus is located on the Communication university campus.

Following the success of Shanghai’s campus since the opening of the MBA programs, EAC China settled in 2018 in Beijing.

The programs, identical, allow students from Beijing and its surroundings to benefit from the pedagogical engineering of EAC.

The delocalized MBA programs of Beijing allow our students to follow courses specialized in our three main majors: art market management, cultural project management and luxury management. They will also meet professionals of those industries during dedicated seminars and themed visits, such as the Foundation Louis Vuitton, auction houses, art galeries, Paris’ Philharmonie, major Maisons of the luxury industry during the France study tour organized annually.


*Campus only for Chinese students living in China.

Our professional partners

With us for 28 years

In partnership since EAC's creation, companies are at the center of the system. They support us and offer internships to our students.

Contact EAC Beijing

  • Location

    China Merchants Tower, China Merchants Tower, 118 Jianguo Road, Jianwai Street, Chaoyang District, Pékin, Chine

  • Mail address


  • Transportation to EAC Beijing

    metro Line1 & Line10(Guomao station)